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Fall prices

Enjoy special pricing on our indoor vehicle storage this Fall. Call today to reserve your space!

Storage units

  • 15 ft. space: $150 – small to midsize car or truck
  • 20 ft. space: $180 – larger cars, trucks, small RVs, small boats, etc.
  • 25 ft. space: $235 – boats, campers, fifth wheels, etc.
  • 30 ft. space: $265 – boats, campers, fifth wheels, etc.
  • 35 ft. space: $335 – boats, campers, fifth wheels, etc.

*Limited spaces available

Office hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Vehicle pick-up and drop-off hours
Monday – Friday: 7:00am – 8:00pm

** We require you give us a minimum of 24-hour prior notice before pick-up.

Payment options

  • Auto pay available
  • Checks
  • Cash
  • Credit cards

Trailer tongues are included in the vehicle length. If your vehicle is over 30 feet, we request that you please inquire about individual pricing. See the diagram below for more information.

Call 503-704-2224 now to discuss your storage options!